
Showing posts from September, 2021

Organon of Medicine part-1(Aphorism 1 - 10)

Aphorism 1-10  § 1  The doctor's high and just mission is to reestablish the wiped out to wellbeing, to fix, as it is termed.1  1 His main goal isn't, notwithstanding, to develop purported frameworks, by entwining void theories and speculations concerning the inward fundamental nature of the imperative cycles and the mode wherein sicknesses start in the inside of the living being, (whereon such countless doctors have until recently yearningly burned through their gifts and their time); nor is it to endeavor to give endless clarifications with respect to the wonders in illnesses and their general reason (which should at any point stay covered), enclosed by garbled words and an expanded conceptual method of articulation, which should sound extremely educated to dumbfound the uninformed – while wiped out humankind moans to no end for help. Of such educated dreams (to which the name of hypothetical medication is given, and for which extraordinary residencies are initiated) we have